Friday, January 13, 2017

Ironman Gauntlet Entry #2

Because I have had 0 experience with metalworking, I have called upon the help of some people I know who can help with this project. We redid measurements to make sure everything was as accurate as could be. We then began to cut the strips of metal for the fingers, which was a lot easier than I thought it would be. After completing this, I used a clamp to bend the copper to fit the form of my fingers. I used snips and a file to round out some of the edges so that when I fit them to my fingers I would not get cut on the metal. After fitting all the pieces and rounding out the edges, it’s time to begin gluing the pieces (can be done with either hot glue gun or you can weld, depending on which you prefer). The glove that works best with this type of project is an Ansell Projex Leather Driving Glove or a Tactical Police Leather Driving Glove. Due to the limited time given and the long shipping time, this was not a possibility for me.  Using a mold would work best so that the pieces will be firmly in place when gluing; however, making a mold does take a lot of time, and I only had a short time to get this done. So, I ended up having my hand inside the glove as we glued the pieces on. (This was unwise on my part, even though I did not get burned. I would suggest the mold and making that very early on to ensure accuracy and avoid the possibility of getting burned by the hot glue. The same goes for welding; make sure that your hand is not inside of the glove as this will hurt so much more than the glue will. After all the pieces have been assembled to the glove, I put both Vambrace and glove on. They fit beautifully and the laser was attached to the top of the vambrace for easy access.

Here is the video I made for the Ironman Gauntlet:

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Ironman Gauntlet Prototype

This is my very first blog writing ever; please allow me to introduce myself a little.  I am a sophomore at Arrowhead Union High School and I am in the ILE (Integrated Learning Experience). We are conducting a Wonder Weeks project, and I have chosen to make an Ironman Gauntlet (full body eventually). This includes metalworking and welding, which is something I have never attempted or tried. So this will be a brand new experience for me.  I have teamed up with a fellow classmate (Alex Roessler) and he will be assisting me in the construction of the gauntlet. Taking into the fact that I have never worked with metals of any sort, those of you who are interested in making this and have not had any metalworking experience MUST have a professional to assist and create with you.

The first thing I took note of for this project was the measurements. I will have to measure every part of my body so that the suit will fit perfectly.  If you do not know how to do measurements, there will be a link to a document that will show you exactly how to take measurements.  Keep in mind that all measures must be taken using the metric unit, as this is a system used globally. After completing all measures needed for this process, you can then begin the process of constructing the gauntlet template. Beginning the designing process you must make sure that you have ALL the dimensions needed for this construction. 3D modeling will definitely work best for this type of project. After you have completed this step, you can then begin the metalworking and welding process.

Monday, January 2, 2017

ILE week 16

This week in the ILE was project crunch time. Everyones projects were due 12/22 and all the kids in ILE are crunching down on their projects. As the projects come to a close a new one arises. The freshmen's survivor project comes to a close this week and so does the sophomore war project. Friday of this week we transition  into winter break. Stay tuned for next week’s blog. Also, make sure you check out our YouTube channel The ILE Update.

ILE week 15

This week in the ILE is project crunch time. The ILE sophomores had their last week in school to work on their War projects. The freshman ILE made monuments for their islands, created Public Service Announcements, and worked on their debate. Stay tuned for next week’s blog. Also, make sure you check out our YouTube channel The ILE Update.