Monday, November 28, 2016

ILE week 12

This is week in The ILE was only a two day week. The freshman made two minute videos for their survivor projects. While the sophomores presented their disaster plans to each other, Sophomores also started to work on our War project, which is due Dec. 22nd. For the War Project, each sophomore had to choose a visual to present everything that they’ve learned. They read a book about one of the wars. Stay tuned for next week’s blog. Also, make sure you check out our YouTube channel The ILE Update.

ILE week 11

The ILE 9 continued working on their survival projects. ILE 10 students had to finish their disaster plan projects and figure out how to present it.  Some groups used an infographic while others used posters.    ILE9 got to do their Best flag competition where they created flags for their different islands, then they got to vote .   they also got to do their culture creation stories. Stay tuned for next week’s blog. Also, make sure you check out our YouTube channel The ILE Update.

Monday, November 14, 2016

ILE week 10

This is week in The ILE marks the start of our second quarter. For our 10th week of the ILE, the ILE 9 and 10 officially started on their new projects, the ILE 10 on their Disaster plan project and the ILE 9 on their Survivor projects.  The Disaster plan project is the ILE 10 students split up into groups of 2, picking a state in North America, and then make a plan to prepare for the ebola virus coming into that area. Then, they have to find a way to get rid of, or prevent, the spread of the virus, all while trying to keep the citizens of that area calm and informed of the virus that could potentially spread. The survivor project is where the ILE 9 get to basically wipe the earth of all land and start from scratch. From their they get to chose the climate and location that they put it and make the geography of the land. After that, they get to create their own government, religion, and culture. Stay tuned for next week’s blog. Also, make sure you check out our YouTube channel The ILE Update.

Monday, November 7, 2016

ILE week 9

This was our week 9 in the ILE. Everyone in the ILE are getting ready for our term one to be over. For our high school we have four terms. These are times of 9 weeks. As the week went on we learned about a few controversial presidencies of the past. The first one was the election of 1876 with Rutherford B. Hayes v.s. Samuel J. Tiden fighting for the presidency. Rutherford B hayes won the election of 1876. The second election we learned about was the election of 1896 between William McKinley and William Jennings Bryan. William McKinley won the election. All week we focused mainly on politics. Stay tuned for next week’s blog. Also, make sure you check out our YouTube channel The ILE Update.