Friday, September 30, 2016

ILE week 4

This is our fourth week of ILE. First thing you should know is that the ILE stands for Integrated Learning Experience. The ILE has been going on for five years. This is the sixth year of the program.

Some stuff we have done so far this year is our pillars project. The pillars project this year was to find a problem in our school and find a solution to that problem. Everyone in our class chose a different topic.

This week in ILE we were introduced to our latest project. The Milwaukee project, is based around the ILE students “applying” to different colleges.  In this project the ILE students are touring different colleges, where they will interview different professors and students, gathering information and learning about the campus life at their college.  They will be working in groups of 3 or 4 this week, to try and create a promotional video for their college. The students will explain why this college stands out among the others.